Today begins what I hope will be an exciting journey with EPIC results. Perhaps epic is a bit extreme but I was always told to DREAM BIG! My husband Casey and I have decided to start a family through adoption. No one ever said it would be easy and we are quickly discovering the large amounts of paperwork involved as well as all of the hoops to jump through. On top of all of that it is extremely EXPENSIVE! Thankfully we have been planning for this since our wedding almost three years ago, saving every little bit here and there, hoping to make parenting a reality.
I have always wanted to be a dad and for a long time I didn't think it would be possible. Times have certainly changed for the better in recent years, although there is still a lot of progress that can be made. Casey and I make a formidable team. Although we are very much alike in our interests, we are also equipped with different strengths and skills. I would not want to start this journey with anyone else.
For the past two years I have been honing my skills in creating hand knit clothing for babies and toddlers. Fortunately we have had plenty of little ones surrounding our lives and they have all acted as my muses. Everyone kept saying I should try and sell my creations but it just didn't feel right. There is no way that I could maintain a steady inventory to sustain my own online store and to be quite honest, one is rarely compensated for the amount of time that is spent in creating one-of-a-kind garments. Taking all of this into account Casey and I came up with this grand idea:
A way to document our journey to fatherhood while also showcasing my original knitted designs and creations. An auction would be the perfect way to raise money to help offset the expense of adoption. So that's the plan: Knit a mini collection of eight to twelve new pieces every three months to be sold via online auction. Even if we only raise a small amount of money, every cent will be going towards realizing our dream of becoming dads.
A part of me is really excited about this endeavor but another part of me is nervous. Will we be able to make this all work?! We are counting on the support of friends and family to help us get the word out about our story and our quarterly auctions. What drives me the most is knowing that we are doing all of this for our future children. We want nothing more than to be great dads and we hope you will join us on this exciting adventure and become a part of our growing family.
We look forward to sharing updates on our progress as we move forward as well as our thoughts on becoming dads. We will also be posting previews of the upcoming DEBUT COLLECTION. Stay tuned!
David (and Casey)